
Learning How to Learn

4 Keys for Better Learning

4 Keys for Better Learning is final project for the online course LHTL on Coursera platform. Created by Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski at the McMasters University and University of California San Diego.

The course encourages students to share what they have learned in any creative way they want. It has to encompass at least 3 topics covered in learning how to learn course, hence I decided to create an infographics introducing 4 keys for better learning.

Except the Memory techniques, all the information are backed by latest research in neuroscience and education. Memory techniques graph is based on my subjective evaluation of those methods, however after experimenting with such methods for extensive amount of time I feel confident in their evaluation.

Infographics_Martin Holecek_4 keys for better learning
4 keys for better learning

Learning How To Learn

4 Keys for Better Learning

4 klice pro lepsi studium je zaverecny projekt do kurzu LHTL na platforme Coursera. Vytvoren Dr. Barbarou Oakley a Dr. Terrencem Sejnowskim na McMasterske Univerzite a Kalifornske Univerzite v San Diegu.

Tento MOOC kurz povzbuzuje studenty aby se podelili o nabyte znalosti prostrednictvim jakekoliv kreativni prace na tema, ktere bylo obsahem kurzu. Projekt musi obsahovat alespon 3 temata predstavena v kurzu learning how to learn. Ja jsem se rozhodl vytvorit infografiku a predstavil 4 klice pro lepsi studium cehokoliv.

4 keys
4 klice k lepsimu uceni

Importance of tones when learning Chinese – Michele Salvemini

Here is, my first interview and podcast ever, so consider yourself warned and please be considerate in your comments.  Meet Michele Salvemini. An Italian who came to China 3 years ago to learn Chinese. His passion for language and history lead him from a small Italian town into a university major of cultural communication. From there he moved right into the center of Middle Kingdom, Chongqing, where he now studies master degree in MTCSOL at Chongqing University.

In this short interview we cover:

    • Tones and their importance in Chinese
    • How to recall Chinese words
    • Biggest mistakes learners do when starting learning Chinese
    • Cultural differences between “west” and “east”
    • Learning Chinese through music

      And a little bit more…Enjoy!