Random Chinese food
Looks: 4
Smell: 4
Spiciness: 1
Satisfaction Factor: 6
Overall: Yes
Price TAG: 14 RMB
This time I visited my good old dumpling restaurant but tried something totally different. I reached for the menu and searched for a know words. 鸡 – for chicken, 牛 – for cow and 肉 – for meat.
Found cow and meat in one row and decided to give it a try. I was hoping that a nice beef steak will arrive in front of me, but instead the usual rice, egg, spicy pickles, fried vegetable, slice of tofu with a little bit of boiled beef occurred.
It was worth the try. As I was hungry I did not complain and devoured all that was on my plate. Even though there was not much meat, I felt pretty full.