
Random food

Random Chinese food

Looks: 7

Smell: 5

Spiciness: 0-5

Satisfaction Factor: 6

Overall: Very good

Price TAG: 32 RMB

My dear friends from Chengdu, Sunniny and Alex arrived to Chongqing. Maybe you remember them from my Spring festival trip reports. And they brought me a very happy news. After  years of relationship, they are getting engaged. I could not believe when Sunnini showed me her ring. Seriously guys, all the best and remember to let me know the exact date 😉 But to celebrate this big news we went to a local restaurant not far from my work at Parkson shopping mall. Since there is always plenty to choose from we decided according to the amount of people already sitting in. Thats in 90% an indicator of a good restaurant. The environment was clean an pleasant as same as the personnel.

Menu in bright colors with very nice pictures. I picked Fried vegetables with garlic, steamed lettuce and sliced cold tofu. You, mei you, you…means the vegetable was available and the tofu also, but unfortunately steamed letuce I was looking forward to try was out of stock. I admit 9 o’clock here in Chongqing is very late for a regular dinner.

In 10 minutes Sinnini and Alex told all the story behind engagement and I tasted the best sliced tofu so far. Served on a small plate with blossom and chilli powder aside. I loved that way cause you can choose how much spice do you want on top of your meal. It was a great food and perfect company.

P.S.: Sorry for the picture, my phone was out of focus :-/

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