Random Chinese food enhanced
Looks: 7
Smell: 6
Spiciness: 0
Satisfaction Factor: 6
Overall: Very good
Price TAG: 8 RMB
Lately my routine changed. I proudly announce Level up from absolutely random food. The ability of my Chinese reached point where I am able to order simple foods in a restaurant and the boss(lao ban) actually understands me 🙂 It has its flaws still, but makes me feel like my chinese and nutrition abilities are getting better.
Todays meal was ordered in my favorite Dumpling restaurant. Niou rou mien, bu la – Old lady running this small restaurant was a little confused and her “probably” husband loudly laughed without any shame. It took a considerable time – 15 minutes or so. But eventually a perfectly served and delicious noodles stood in front of me. Star anise was on top of thick noodle soup with green cabbage. Small slices of beef companied by strong smell of anise invited me to a great dinner.
P.S.: Many of you ask me how much is it for the food. I decided to put price tags to each food from now on and if my memory allows also enhance the previous Random food series posts.